JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - forest destruction in Indonesia and has very severe. This increase global warming fear that we are at this time, factors other than energy and transport.
"Deforestation in Indonesia accounted for 75 percent of greenhouse gases," said Joko Arif, Campaign Spokesperson for Forestry Greenpeace in Jakarta on Tuesday (26 / 5).
According to data released the Food Agricultural Organization in 2007, the rate impairment 1.8 million hectares of forest per year. In 1 minute forest destruction occurs 5 times of the football field wide. In other words, it in the forest area of 300 football fields damaged.
For that, Joko urges moratorium in order to be done to reduce deforestation and fuel coal. "The stone ballast is a fossil fuel terkotor, which contribute to greenhouse gases, such as CO2, NO2, CH4," said Joko.
In fact, many have called the alternative energy clean energy to replace fossil fuels that are not environmentally friendly. "India has the potential for geothermal energy in the world, have the energy the sun throughout the year, wind energy in eastern Indonesia, and mikrohidro in areas that have rivers," said Joko.
If the government is not the issue, we live a disaster waiting chilling. "In the year 2025 Soekarno Hatta Airport can not be used because of stagnant water, with a record business does not have the government to fix the environment," said Joko.
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Perusakan hutan di Indonesia begitu parah dan memprihatinkan. Ini meningkatkan pemanasan global yang sedang kita khawatirkan saat ini, selain faktor energi dan transportasi.
"Deforestasi di Indonesia menyumbang 75 persen gas rumah kaca," kata Joko Arif, Juru Bicara Kampanye Bidang Kehutanan Greenpeace di Jakarta, Selasa (26/5).
Menurut data yang dirilis Food Agricultural Organization tahun 2007, laju perusakan hutan 1,8 juta hektar per tahun. Dalam 1 menit perusakan hutan terjadi seluas 5 kali luas lapangan sepak bola. Dengan kata lain, dalam sejam hutan seluas 300 lapangan sepak bola rusak.
Untuk itu, Joko mendesak agar dilakukan moratorium deforestasi dan mengurangi bahan bakar batu bara. "Batu bara merupakan bahan bakar fosil terkotor, yang menyumbang gas rumah kaca, seperti CO2, NO2, CH4," tutur Joko.
Sebenarnya, ada banyak energi alternatif yang disebut energi bersih untuk mengganti bahan bakar fosil yang tidak ramah lingkungan. "Indonesia memiliki potensi energi panas bumi terbesar di dunia, punya energi sinar matahari sepanjang tahun, energi angin di Indonesia timur, dan mikrohidro di daerah yang punya sungai," tutur Joko.
Jika pemerintah tidak menyikapi isu ini, kita tinggal menunggu bencana yang mengerikan. "Pada tahun 2025 Bandara Soekarno Hatta tidak bisa digunakan karena tergenang air, dengan catatan tidak ada usaha yang dilakukan pemerintah untuk perbaiki lingkungan," pungkas Joko.
In 1 Minute, 5 Times Forest of Major General (Dalam 1 Menit, Hutan Seluas 5 Kali Lapangan Bola Rusak)
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