Bandung Society welcomes the Government's plan positive West Java Province and the city of Bandung, which will hold the event car free day (free day vehicles), Saturday (30 / 5) future.
"Good, with the car free day in Jakarta, Bandung automatic air cooling will be felt," said one resident of Bandung, Angga Aditya (21), told ANTARA in Jalan Braga Bandung, Selasa (26 / 5).
Himself fully supports the government's efforts to implement a car free day in the city of Bandung.
"The parents I, Bandung is now not like the times of first, if the first Bandung is known as the temperature is cool and cold, if hot right now," said Angga is still recorded as a freshman one of the two private universities in Bandung.
Meanwhile, Dini Andriani (20), says, that can reduce pollution in the city of Bandung, the event car free day should be held every once a week, at the end of the weekend.
"The car free day in Bandung was conducted each week at the end of the weekend," said Dini.
According to the plan, the first car free day in the city of Bandung akan held Saturday (30 / 5) future.
A number of state officials such as State Environment Minister, Rachmat Witoelar, Vice Governor of West Java, Dede Yusuf and the Mayor of Bandung Dada Rosada will attend the event.
Four-way point in the city of Bandung as Cipaginta Road, South Lingkar, Supratman Asia and Africa Road will be closed temporarily during the implementation of car free day.
In addition, car free day in the city of Bandung akan also serve many of the educational environment YPBB, PPLI (Industrial Waste Processing Company), City of Friends of the Community, told Bandung (Community storyteller), and demo recycling paper.
In the event, will also be introduced anti-plastic bag movement and entertainment from musicians Nugie, scooter community, the game of futsal Indonesian Youth National Committee. (kpl / meg)
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Masyarakat Kota Bandung menyambut positif rencana Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat dan Kota Bandung, yang akan menyelenggarakan acara car free day (hari bebas kendaraan bermotor), Sabtu (30/5) mendatang.
"Baguslah, dengan adanya car free day di Bandung, otomatis udara sejuk Bandung akan semakin terasa," kata salah seorang warga Bandung, Angga Aditya (21), kepada ANTARA, di Jalan Braga Bandung, Selasa (26/5).
Dirinya mendukung penuh upaya pemerintah yang ingin menerapkan car free day di Kota Bandung.
"Kata orang tua saya, Bandung sekarang sudah tidak seperti zaman dulu, kalau dulu Bandung itu memang dikenal dengan suhunya yang sejuk dan dingin, kalau sekarang panas benar," kata Angga yang masih tercatat sebagai mahasiswa tingkat dua salah satu Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Bandung.
Sementara itu, Dini Andriani (20), mengatakan, supaya dapat mengurangi polusi di Kota Bandung, acara car free day seharusnya dilaksanakan tiap satu minggu sekali, di akhir pekan.
"Seharusnya car free day di Bandung dilaksanakan tiap minggu di akhir pekan," kata Dini.
Rencananya, car free day pertama di Kota Bandung akan dilaksanakan Sabtu (30/5) mendatang.
Sejumlah pejabat negara seperti Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup, Rachmat Witoelar, Wakil Gubernur Jawa Barat, Dede Yusuf serta Wali Kota Bandung, Dada Rosada akan menghadiri acara tersebut.
Empat titik jalan di Kota Bandung seperti Jalan Cipaginta, Lingkar Selatan, Supratman serta Jalan Asia Afrika akan ditutup sementara selama pelaksanaan car free day.
Selain itu, car free day di Kota Bandung juga akan menyuguhkan banyak edukasi lingkungan dari YPBB, PPLI (Perusahaan Pengolahan Limbah Industri), Komunitas Sahabat Kota, Bandung Bercerita (Komunitas Pendongeng), dan demo daur ulang kertas.
Dalam acara tersebut, juga akan dikampanyekan gerakan anti kantong plastik serta hiburan dari musisi Nugie, komunitas skuter, permainan futsal dari Komite Nasional Pemuda Indonesia. (kpl/meg)
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