We do not just have to reduce the using of papers and plastics, but we have to keep the condition of the air around us, too. One of the ways is NOT to use the FREON in our cooler system. FREON can be considered to be hazardous because it can change the ozone (O3) into usual oxygen (O2). As we have known before, the ozone gives important contribution to our beloved Earth, that it can loosen the radiation of the sun, so that the radiation will not be fully absorbed.
However, as the time goes by, environmentally friendly FREON has been found. PT.PERTAMINA introduces the “musicool”, a product which substitutes the environmentally unfriendly FREON, to Surabaya society that can be used to all kinds of cooler machines at offices, houses, vehicles and industries. Agus said that the “musicool” was a product which substituted artificial refrigerant (cooler machine) or the environmentally unfriendly FREON. The definition of environmentally unfriendly itself is to destroy the Ozone, which covers the Earth from UV and contributes to the global warming. This newest product is environmentally very friendly and reduces the global warming. Besides that, this product also gives commercial advantages to the industrialists, because the using of it is just one third of FREON volume. For the owner of buildings which use musicool, they can minimize the using of electricity up to 20%. “If the cost of monthly AC fee reaches Rp 300 million, then by using musicool, they can save until Rp 60 million per month. If there is information saying musicool is a hydrocarbon product which is similar to LPG (Liquefied Propane Gas) so it’s easy to burn, I can say that it is totally wrong. All of Pertamina products are easy to burn, if we think deeper. As the using of musicool is less than FREON, so that the work of cooler machine or compressor becomes easier.”
After knowing that there is a product that substitutes the hazardous FREON, now it is our turn to do something useful. One small step is a big leap, which means one little thing we do now is a big advantage for our future. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO MAKE LITTLE CHANGES FOR OUR BETTER FUTURE. And that is our hope to move everyone to be part of Global Warming Care Effort.
Kita tidak hanya mengurangi penggunaan kertas dan plastik, tetapi juga harus menjaga keadaan udara di sekitar kita. Salah satunya adalah kita tidak menggunakan Freon dalam sistem pendingin ruangan yang kita pakai. Gas freon itu dapat dikatakan berbahaya dikarenakan dapat menguraikan Ozon ( O3 ) menjadi oksigen ( O2 ) biasa. Seperti yang kita ketahui, ozon itu dapat menguraikan radiasi dari matahari sehingga radiasi itu tidak sampai kita smuanya.
Tetapi, setelah berkembangnya zaman, ditemukanlah freon yang ramah lingkungan. PT Pertamina memperkenalkan "musicool", yakni produk pengganti freon ramah lingkungan, kepada masyarakat Surabaya yang bisa dipergunakan untuk semua jenis mesin pendingin di perkantoran, perumahan, kendaraan dan industri. Agus mengatakan musicool merupakan produk pengganti refrigerant (mesin pendingin) sintetik atau freon yang selama ini tidak ramah lingkungan. Pengertian tidak ramah lingkungan itu adalah merusak lapisan ozon yang menjadi selimut bumi terhadap sinar ultraviolet dan berkontribusi terhadap pemanasan global. produk baru ini sangat ramah lingkungan dan mengurangi pemanasan global. Selain ramah lingkungan, produk tersebut juga memberi keuntungan komersial bagi para pengusaha, karena pemakaiannya hanya sepertiga volume freon.Bagi pemilik gedung yang menggunakan musicool, bisa menekan penggunaan listrik minimal 20 persen. "Kalau sebuah mal biaya AC-nya mencapai Rp300 juta per bulan, maka dengan menggunakan musicool bisa menghemat Rp60 juta. Kalau kemudian ada informasi bahwa musicool adalah produk hydrokarbon yang dekat-dekat dengan elpiji sehingga mudah terbakar merupakan informasi yang tidak benar. Semua produk Pertamina kalau difikir mudah terbakar. Karena pemakaian musicool lebih sedikit dibanding pemakaian freon, sehingga kerja mesin pendingin atau kompresor menjadi lebih ringan.
Setelah kita mengetahui ada pengganti freon yang berbahaya itu, sekarang adalah bagi kita untuk melakukan sesuatu yang berguna, One small step is a big leap, satu langkah kecil yang dilakukan sejak dini adalah lompatan besar di masa yang akan datang. Jangan ragu untuk berbuat hal kecil demi kebaikan di masa depan. Begitulah harapan untuk menggugah setiap orang untuk bisa ikut andil dalam usaha peduli Global Warming.
We do not just have to reduce the using of papers and plastics, but we have to keep the condition of the air around us, too. One of the ways is NOT to use the FREON in our cooler system. FREON can be considered to be hazardous because it can change the ozone (O3) into usual oxygen (O2). As we have known before, the ozone gives important contribution to our beloved Earth, that it can loosen the radiation of the sun, so that the radiation will not be fully absorbed.
However, as the time goes by, environmentally friendly FREON has been found. PT.PERTAMINA introduces the “musicool”, a product which substitutes the environmentally unfriendly FREON, to Surabaya society that can be used to all kinds of cooler machines at offices, houses, vehicles and industries. Agus said that the “musicool” was a product which substituted artificial refrigerant (cooler machine) or the environmentally unfriendly FREON. The definition of environmentally unfriendly itself is to destroy the Ozone, which covers the Earth from UV and contributes to the global warming. This newest product is environmentally very friendly and reduces the global warming. Besides that, this product also gives commercial advantages to the industrialists, because the using of it is just one third of FREON volume. For the owner of buildings which use musicool, they can minimize the using of electricity up to 20%. “If the cost of monthly AC fee reaches Rp 300 million, then by using musicool, they can save until Rp 60 million per month. If there is information saying musicool is a hydrocarbon product which is similar to LPG (Liquefied Propane Gas) so it’s easy to burn, I can say that it is totally wrong. All of Pertamina products are easy to burn, if we think deeper. As the using of musicool is less than FREON, so that the work of cooler machine or compressor becomes easier.”
After knowing that there is a product that substitutes the hazardous FREON, now it is our turn to do something useful. One small step is a big leap, which means one little thing we do now is a big advantage for our future. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO MAKE LITTLE CHANGES FOR OUR BETTER FUTURE. And that is our hope to move everyone to be part of Global Warming Care Effort.
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