Here are additional facts about the 'global warming' ...
LONDON - The experts claim that global warming (global warming) can cause the emergence of many diseases in the community. Scientists, such as reported The Times of London warned about the negative effect of global warming on health.
"As a result of global warming is a few people will die due to flu and fever, but will be many cases of death due to stroke and heart attack due to the hot temperatures," said one scientist, Hugh Montgomery.
Results of research indicate that there will be an additional 75 cases of death occurred in areas with dense population for each degree increase in temperature. Professor Ian Roberts claims that if people can reduce dependence on motor vehicles, that can help reduce pollution and provide benefits to health.
"If we want to design a policy for climate change, it should be oriented for maximum health benefits, this will be good news even though a few, for the story about global warming," he said as quoted UPI. (Abdul Malik / Sindo / mbs)
Berikut ini ada fakta tambahan tentang 'global warming'...
LONDON - Para ahli mengklaim bahwa pemanasan global (global warming) bisa menyebabkan munculnya banyak penyakit di masyarakat. Para ilmuwan ini, seperti dilaporkan The Times of London memperingatkan tentang efek negatif pemanasan global terhadap kesehatan.
"Akibat dari pemanasan global adalah akan sedikit orang mati akibat flu dan demam, namun akan banyak kasus kematian akibat stroke dan jantung yang menyerang akibat suhu panas," kata salah satu ilmuwan, Hugh Montgomery.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa akan ada tambahan 75 kasus kematian terjadi pada wilayah dengan padat penduduk untuk setiap derajat kenaikan temperatur. Profesor Ian Roberts mengklaim bahwa jika masyarakat bisa mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap kendaraan bermotor, itu bisa membantu mengurangi polusi dan memberi manfaat terhadap kesehatan.
"Jika kita mau mendesain kebijakan untuk perubahan iklim, maka harusnya berorientasi pada manfaat maksimal bagi kesehatan, ini akan menjadi sebuah berita baik meski sedikit, bagi keseluruhan cerita tentang pemanasan global," ujarnya seperti dikutip UPI. (Abdul Malik/Sindo/mbs)
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