We do not knowingly participate or contribute to global warming. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide is the result of burning fossil fuels (natural gas, petroleum, coal). Vehicles that we use fossil fuel use, the more consumption of fuel will be more and more carbon dioxide gas that terbuang. Trees as the piston is now more carbon dioxide is reduced. Paper we use comes from trees, then with the use of recycled paper will reduce the number of trees for paper consumption. Save energy by reducing electricity komsumsi, replacing incandescent lights with energy efficient lighting. Do not just standby-power tool for your spending power, and many more .. because of the changes that we do will save us and our next generation, our children and our earth.

- Choose a technology that requires less energy but still comfortable. Or, replace the lamp power sparingly. Using energy wisely will reduce the leakage energy is not necessary.

- The use of vehicles in a few short trips or close. On foot, bicycle pedal bike, drive roll, and the public, other than the transport expenditure will save you, of course, reduce the carbon dioxide. As well as sports, eh?

- Check your vehicle tires. Maintain the "health" your tires regularly to reduce 10 kg of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

- Recycling frequently. You can save 1,200 kg of carbon dioxide per year, with only recycle paper waste half your day.

- Need hot water for bathing, drinking water for hot coffee and tea, or wash clothes? Use secukupnya and you reduce the 420 kg of carbon dioxide per year. Many, right?

- Avoid buying products wrapped with flake. Did you know, every time you reduce 10% waste, and you have to reduce 600 kg of carbon dioxide.

- Of trees, of course. Imagine, just one tree can suck 1 ton carbon dioxide throughout their lives.

- Turn off the electronic equipment! TV, DVD, VCD, MP3, stereo, computer games, when you are not using it. Beribu save you thousands of kg of carbon dioxide per year. No need to move to the position of stand-by timer or install because electricity is still flowing. So, go out at all (source: WWF-Indo)

Sadar atau tidak kita turut menyumbang kepada pemanasan global. Gas rumah kaca seperti karbon dioksida merupakan hasil pembakaran dari bahan bakar fosil (gas alam, minyak bumi, batu bara). Kendaraan bermotor yang kita gunakan menggunakan bahan bakar fosil, semakin banyak konsumsi bahan bakar maka akan semakin banyak gas karbon dioksida yang terbuang. Pepohonan sebagai pengisap karbon dioksida sekarang semakin berkurang. Kertas yang kita gunakan berasal dari pepohonan, maka dengan pemakaian kertas daur ulang akan mengurangi jumlah pohon bagi konsumsi kertas. Hematlah energi dengan mengurangi komsumsi listrik, dengan mengganti lampu pijar dengan lampu yang hemat energi. Jangan standby-kan alat lisrtik anda karena menghabiskan listrik, dan masih banyak lagi..karena perubahan yang kita lakukan akan menyelamatkan kita dan generasi penerus kita, anak-anak kita dan bumi kita.

- Memilih teknologi terbaru yang membutuhkan energi sedikit namun tetap nyaman. Atau, ganti lampu hemat listrik. Menggunakan energi dengan bijaksana akan mengurangi kebocoran energi yang tidak perlu.

- Lebih sedikit gunakan kendaraan dalam perjalanan singkat atau dekat. Jalan kaki, kayuh sepeda, naik mobil beramai-ramai, dan kendaraan umum, selain akan menghemat pengeluaran transport Anda, tentu saja mengurangi karbondioksida. Sekaligus olah raga, kan?

- Periksa ban kendaraan Anda. Menjaga “kesehatan” ban Anda secara teratur mengurangi 10 kg karbondioksida di atmosfer.

- Daur ulang sering-sering. Anda bisa menghemat 1200 kg karbondioksida per tahun HANYA dengan mendaur ulang setengah sampah kertas Anda sehari.

- Butuh air hangat untuk mandi, air panas untuk minum kopi dan teh, atau mencuci pakaian? Gunakan secukupnya dan Anda mengurangi 420 kg karbondioksida per tahun. Banyak, kan?

- Hindari membeli produk dengan bungkus berlapis-lapis. Tahukah Anda, setiap kali Anda mengurangi 10% sampah saja, Anda sudah mengurangi 600 kg karbondioksida.

- Tanam pohon, tentu saja. Bayangkan, satu pohon saja bisa menghisap 1 ton karbondioksida sepanjang hidupnya.

- Matikan alat elektronik! TV, DVD, VCD, MP3, stereo, komputer, games, ketika Anda tidak sedang menggunakannya. Anda menghemat beribu-ribu kg karbondioksida per tahun. Tak perlu dipindahkan ke posisi stand-by atau memasang timer karena listrik masih tetap mengalir. Jadi, padam sama sekali ( source: WWF-Indo)


Here are additional facts about the 'global warming' ...

LONDON - The experts claim that global warming (global warming) can cause the emergence of many diseases in the community. Scientists, such as reported The Times of London warned about the negative effect of global warming on health.

"As a result of global warming is a few people will die due to flu and fever, but will be many cases of death due to stroke and heart attack due to the hot temperatures," said one scientist, Hugh Montgomery.

Results of research indicate that there will be an additional 75 cases of death occurred in areas with dense population for each degree increase in temperature. Professor Ian Roberts claims that if people can reduce dependence on motor vehicles, that can help reduce pollution and provide benefits to health.

"If we want to design a policy for climate change, it should be oriented for maximum health benefits, this will be good news even though a few, for the story about global warming," he said as quoted UPI. (Abdul Malik / Sindo / mbs)


Berikut ini ada fakta tambahan tentang 'global warming'...

LONDON - Para ahli mengklaim bahwa pemanasan global (global warming) bisa menyebabkan munculnya banyak penyakit di masyarakat. Para ilmuwan ini, seperti dilaporkan The Times of London memperingatkan tentang efek negatif pemanasan global terhadap kesehatan.

"Akibat dari pemanasan global adalah akan sedikit orang mati akibat flu dan demam, namun akan banyak kasus kematian akibat stroke dan jantung yang menyerang akibat suhu panas," kata salah satu ilmuwan, Hugh Montgomery.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa akan ada tambahan 75 kasus kematian terjadi pada wilayah dengan padat penduduk untuk setiap derajat kenaikan temperatur. Profesor Ian Roberts mengklaim bahwa jika masyarakat bisa mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap kendaraan bermotor, itu bisa membantu mengurangi polusi dan memberi manfaat terhadap kesehatan.

"Jika kita mau mendesain kebijakan untuk perubahan iklim, maka harusnya berorientasi pada manfaat maksimal bagi kesehatan, ini akan menjadi sebuah berita baik meski sedikit, bagi keseluruhan cerita tentang pemanasan global," ujarnya seperti dikutip UPI. (Abdul Malik/Sindo/mbs)


People of the world are more and more concerned with our earth. One such famous actor Leonardo Di Caprio. Berikut ini berita tentangnya yang akan lelang tiket untuk Perubahan Iklim.


Actor Leonardo DiCaprio melelang akan ticket night prime newest film, Shutter Island. This auction to collect funds for various activities related to climate change.

The highest bidder the night of the tickets will slide to the event with a car ride that eco-friendly. In addition, he will also pose both an opportunity DiCaprio on the red carpet.

All is not enough, stars film Catch Me If You Can and Gangs of New York also will accompany the highest bidder to spend that night.

When the event will take place will be determined later. However, it is called a time-contiguous with the Earth Day on April 22 next.

"Anyone can follow this through ebay.com auction / globalgreen. Participation of everyone is needed to address climate change. All this responsibility with us, "said the man who was born in Hollywood, California, USA, 11 November 1974, this.

The film Blood Diamond is known as an environmental activist. "Each person can indeed make a positive environment. This plant can be started from home, and school, and then increased to the city (where) and so on, "added DiCaprio seriously. (Wenn / CP)
Taken from Kompas Daily Monday 20 April 2009

How do we as the youth? There are many more we can do as a teenager .... Moreover, we are still young and will continue life on earth ... Therefore, let us start from NOW!

Masyarakat dunia makin banyak saja yang peduli terhadap bumi kita ini. Salah satu contohnya aktor terkenal Leonardo Di Caprio. Berikut ini berita tentangnya yang akan melelang tiket untuk Perubahan Iklim.


Aktor Leonardo DiCaprio akan melelang tiket malam perdana film terbarunya, Shutter Island. Lelang ini guna mengumpulkan dana bagi berbagai kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan perubahan iklim.

Penawar tertinggi tiket malam perdana itu akan meluncur ke tempat acara dengan menumpang mobil yang ramah lingkungan. Selain itu, dia juga akan berkesempatan berpose berdua DiCaprio di atas karpet merah.

Semua itu belum cukup, bintang film Catch Me If You Can dan Gangs of New York ini juga bakal menemani sang penawar tertinggi menghabiskan malam itu.

Kapan acara tersebut bakal berlangsung akan ditentukan kemudian. Namun, disebut-sebut waktunya berdekatan dengan peringatan Hari Bumi pada 22 April nanti.

”Siapa saja bisa mengikuti lelang ini lewat ebay.com/globalgreen. Partisipasi siapa pun diperlukan untuk mengatasi perubahan iklim. Semua ini tanggung jawab kita bersama,” kata pria kelahiran Hollywood, California, AS, 11 November 1974, ini.

Pemain film Blood Diamond itu dikenal sebagai aktivis lingkungan hidup. ”Setiap orang sesungguhnya bisa berbuat positif bagi lingkungan. Ini bisa dimulai dari menghijaukan rumah, lalu sekolah, kemudian meningkat ke kota (tempat tinggalnya) dan seterusnya,” tambah DiCaprio serius.(WENN/CP)
Diambil dari Harian Kompas Senin 20 April 2009

Bagaimana dengan kita sebagai remaja ?? Masih banyak yang dapat kita lakukan sebagai remaja.... Apalagi kita masih muda dan akan meneruskan kehidupan di bumi ini... Karena itu, ayo kita mulai dari SEKARANG !!!!


Definition is the process by which organic substances are broken down by the enzymes produced by living organisms. The term is often used in relation to ecology, waste management and environmental remediation (bioremediation). Organic material can be degraded aerobically, with oxygen, or anaerobically, without oxygen. A term related to biodegradation is biomineralisation, in which organic matter is converted into minerals. Biosurfactant, an extracellular surfactant secreted by microorganism enhances the biodegradation process.

Biodegradable matter is generally organic material such as plant and animal matter and other substances originating from living organisms, or artificial materials that are similar enough to plant and animal matter to be put to use by microorganisms. Some microorganisms have the astonishing, naturally occurring, microbial catabolic diversity to degrade, transform or accumulate a huge range of compounds including hydrocarbons (e.g. oil), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), pharmaceutical substances, radionuclides and metals. Major methodological breakthroughs in microbial biodegradation have enabled detailed genomic, metagenomic, proteomic, bioinformatic and other high-throughput analyses of environmentally relevant microorganisms providing unprecedented insights into key biodegradative pathways and the ability of microorganisms to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

Anaerobic biodegradation in landfill

Biodegradable waste in landfill degrades in the absence of oxygen through the process of anaerobic digestion. The byproducts of this anaerobic biodegradation are biogas and lignin and cellulose fibres which cannot be broken down by anaerobes (anaerobic microbes)
Engineered landfills are designed with liners to prevent toxic leachate seeping into the surrounding soil and groundwater. Paper and other materials that normally degrade in a few years degrade more slowly over longer periods of time. Biogas contains methane which has approximately 21 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide. In modern landfills this biogas can be collected and used for power generation.

Methods of measuring biodegradation

Biodegradation can be measured in a number of ways. The activity of aerobic microbes can be measured by the amount of oxygen they consume or the amount of carbon dioxide they produce. Biodegradation can be measured by anaerobic microbes and the amount of methane or alloy that they may be able to produce.


Biodegradable plastics . There are other plastic materials that claim biodegradability, but are more often (and possibly more accurately) described as 'degradable' or oxi-degradable; It is claimed that this process causes more rapid breakdown of the plastic materials into CO2 and H2O.

Indicative lengths of degradation

• Banana peel, 2 – 10 days
• Orange peels, 1 month
• Sugarcane pulp, 1 - 2 months
• Cotton rags, 1 – 5 months
• Paper, 2 – 5 months
• Rope, 3 – 14 months
• Wool socks, 1 – 5 years
• Cigarette filters, 1 – 12 years
• Tetrapaks (plastic composite milk cartons), 5 years
• Plastic bags, 10 – 20 years
• Diapers 200 – 500 years
• Leather shoes, 25 – 40 years
• Nylon fabric, 30 – 40 years
• Tin cans 50 - 100 years
• Aluminum cans 200 - 500 years
• Plastic Bottles 70 - 450 years
• Plastic six-pack holder rings, 450 years
• XPS Foam cup, non-biodegradeable
• Biodegradable plastic bags, 2 1/2 months
• Biodegradable paper cups, 2 1/2 months
• Sugarcane bagasse, up to 6 months


We do not just have to reduce the using of papers and plastics, but we have to keep the condition of the air around us, too. One of the ways is NOT to use the FREON in our cooler system. FREON can be considered to be hazardous because it can change the ozone (O3) into usual oxygen (O2). As we have known before, the ozone gives important contribution to our beloved Earth, that it can loosen the radiation of the sun, so that the radiation will not be fully absorbed.

However, as the time goes by, environmentally friendly FREON has been found. PT.PERTAMINA introduces the “musicool”, a product which substitutes the environmentally unfriendly FREON, to Surabaya society that can be used to all kinds of cooler machines at offices, houses, vehicles and industries. Agus said that the “musicool” was a product which substituted artificial refrigerant (cooler machine) or the environmentally unfriendly FREON. The definition of environmentally unfriendly itself is to destroy the Ozone, which covers the Earth from UV and contributes to the global warming. This newest product is environmentally very friendly and reduces the global warming. Besides that, this product also gives commercial advantages to the industrialists, because the using of it is just one third of FREON volume. For the owner of buildings which use musicool, they can minimize the using of electricity up to 20%. “If the cost of monthly AC fee reaches Rp 300 million, then by using musicool, they can save until Rp 60 million per month. If there is information saying musicool is a hydrocarbon product which is similar to LPG (Liquefied Propane Gas) so it’s easy to burn, I can say that it is totally wrong. All of Pertamina products are easy to burn, if we think deeper. As the using of musicool is less than FREON, so that the work of cooler machine or compressor becomes easier.”

After knowing that there is a product that substitutes the hazardous FREON, now it is our turn to do something useful. One small step is a big leap, which means one little thing we do now is a big advantage for our future. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO MAKE LITTLE CHANGES FOR OUR BETTER FUTURE. And that is our hope to move everyone to be part of Global Warming Care Effort.


Kita tidak hanya mengurangi penggunaan kertas dan plastik, tetapi juga harus menjaga keadaan udara di sekitar kita. Salah satunya adalah kita tidak menggunakan Freon dalam sistem pendingin ruangan yang kita pakai. Gas freon itu dapat dikatakan berbahaya dikarenakan dapat menguraikan Ozon ( O3 ) menjadi oksigen ( O2 ) biasa. Seperti yang kita ketahui, ozon itu dapat menguraikan radiasi dari matahari sehingga radiasi itu tidak sampai kita smuanya.

Tetapi, setelah berkembangnya zaman, ditemukanlah freon yang ramah lingkungan. PT Pertamina memperkenalkan "musicool", yakni produk pengganti freon ramah lingkungan, kepada masyarakat Surabaya yang bisa dipergunakan untuk semua jenis mesin pendingin di perkantoran, perumahan, kendaraan dan industri. Agus mengatakan musicool merupakan produk pengganti refrigerant (mesin pendingin) sintetik atau freon yang selama ini tidak ramah lingkungan. Pengertian tidak ramah lingkungan itu adalah merusak lapisan ozon yang menjadi selimut bumi terhadap sinar ultraviolet dan berkontribusi terhadap pemanasan global. produk baru ini sangat ramah lingkungan dan mengurangi pemanasan global. Selain ramah lingkungan, produk tersebut juga memberi keuntungan komersial bagi para pengusaha, karena pemakaiannya hanya sepertiga volume freon.Bagi pemilik gedung yang menggunakan musicool, bisa menekan penggunaan listrik minimal 20 persen. "Kalau sebuah mal biaya AC-nya mencapai Rp300 juta per bulan, maka dengan menggunakan musicool bisa menghemat Rp60 juta. Kalau kemudian ada informasi bahwa musicool adalah produk hydrokarbon yang dekat-dekat dengan elpiji sehingga mudah terbakar merupakan informasi yang tidak benar. Semua produk Pertamina kalau difikir mudah terbakar. Karena pemakaian musicool lebih sedikit dibanding pemakaian freon, sehingga kerja mesin pendingin atau kompresor menjadi lebih ringan.

Setelah kita mengetahui ada pengganti freon yang berbahaya itu, sekarang adalah bagi kita untuk melakukan sesuatu yang berguna, One small step is a big leap, satu langkah kecil yang dilakukan sejak dini adalah lompatan besar di masa yang akan datang. Jangan ragu untuk berbuat hal kecil demi kebaikan di masa depan. Begitulah harapan untuk menggugah setiap orang untuk bisa ikut andil dalam usaha peduli Global Warming.


We do not just have to reduce the using of papers and plastics, but we have to keep the condition of the air around us, too. One of the ways is NOT to use the FREON in our cooler system. FREON can be considered to be hazardous because it can change the ozone (O3) into usual oxygen (O2). As we have known before, the ozone gives important contribution to our beloved Earth, that it can loosen the radiation of the sun, so that the radiation will not be fully absorbed.

However, as the time goes by, environmentally friendly FREON has been found. PT.PERTAMINA introduces the “musicool”, a product which substitutes the environmentally unfriendly FREON, to Surabaya society that can be used to all kinds of cooler machines at offices, houses, vehicles and industries. Agus said that the “musicool” was a product which substituted artificial refrigerant (cooler machine) or the environmentally unfriendly FREON. The definition of environmentally unfriendly itself is to destroy the Ozone, which covers the Earth from UV and contributes to the global warming. This newest product is environmentally very friendly and reduces the global warming. Besides that, this product also gives commercial advantages to the industrialists, because the using of it is just one third of FREON volume. For the owner of buildings which use musicool, they can minimize the using of electricity up to 20%. “If the cost of monthly AC fee reaches Rp 300 million, then by using musicool, they can save until Rp 60 million per month. If there is information saying musicool is a hydrocarbon product which is similar to LPG (Liquefied Propane Gas) so it’s easy to burn, I can say that it is totally wrong. All of Pertamina products are easy to burn, if we think deeper. As the using of musicool is less than FREON, so that the work of cooler machine or compressor becomes easier.”

After knowing that there is a product that substitutes the hazardous FREON, now it is our turn to do something useful. One small step is a big leap, which means one little thing we do now is a big advantage for our future. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO MAKE LITTLE CHANGES FOR OUR BETTER FUTURE. And that is our hope to move everyone to be part of Global Warming Care Effort.


‘Green building’ is the process by which all normal materials, techniques and products used to build a house are exchanged for safe alternatives environmentally friendly. The initiative aims not only to protect the environment and conserve resources like water and energy, but also offer a place safer for humans to live when you decide to build a house environmentally friendly, you must form a team who are certified experts in the field of green buildings, and can ensure that every aspect of your structure is green.

This means that the architect who is designing your home to the interior designer who is adding the finishing touches to your home, everyone must be on the same page on the appearance of green buildings. Such a project must include these features very important to make it green, it must promote sustainability in every sense, and it must conserve energy and water in the construction process as well as in the conception of reality. It will need to protect the environment, and it must provide a healthy living environment, free of toxins and chemical compounds that are found in many paints, varnishes, sealants and even carpets.
Your architect must ensure that the design of the house retains as much energy as possible with the use of many windows to allow a lot of light, including solar panels or other interesting features in the design. Green building starts with the planning and then moves on the construction. The company you use must understand how to build a green building, and they must conserve water during the process, eliminate waste as much as possible to go to the landfill by reusing old wood chips or cement other features such as a fountain, Closure or lawn chairs.
For green building all products that are used must be safe and environmentally friendly, even insect poison. You can use boride natural insect repellent, and there are natural products that can be used for waterproofing and insulation of your house. Insulation is very important because it prevents you from needing too many heaters in the winter and air conditioning in summer, thereby saving energy. The building is also on the sustainability and you can get wood only places that are certified for the sustainable use of forest trees.

For the interior, using paints which are toxins that are free or low volatile compounds (VOC) in them. This applies to all surface finishes, as well as rugs, carpets, tiles and accessories you use. For accessories, you can reduce the time of Energy (transport) costs dramatically just by buying space for your project green building.


Many people now do not know about global warming. Still much to ask - ask whether global warming is? Global warming is increasing the temperature from the surface of the earth. The fact that we now keatahui as this turns out it was increasing the temperature of the earth permukanan increased approximately 0.6 ° C (more or less than 0.2 ° C) since the late 19th century, and about 0.4 ° F (0.2 to 0.3 ° C) during the last 25 years (this period have the most accurate data). Waw .. why can it happen? One of the issues raised is the increased production of greenhouse gases.

Greenhouse gases are a group of gases that are in the atmosphere and the heat arising from the surface of the earth again emanated to the surface of the earth. Gas this "trap" heat in the earth's surface. One of the largest passenger of carbon dioxide that comes from burning coal, oil, and gas. Do we participate menymbang? Yes .. we participated in the activities we contribute to the start of the day-to-day activities (use of electricity in the home, the vehicle-oil consumption).

Now that we have observed, that global warming is also affecting our lives. Commercial aspects of economic, social and cultural, to our own health into the taruhannya. From the results of the WHO report said the earth surface temperature increase is also followed by the increase in sea level. That lead to increased risk of a flood. Increasing the earth's surface temperature also affect the rainfall. Increased rainfall also increases the likelihood of a flood.
In the occurrence of disease, global warming also affects the development of microbes. One example in the area around the sea, said the increased sea surface temperatures caused the increase of population fitoplankton, food for zooplankton. Colera bacteria appeared to stick to the zooplankton. With the increase of food for zooplankton and zooplankton population will increase, and consequently increase the population and the risk of occurrence of the disease cholera. Interaction between animal and human disease broker also increased. With the flood of garbage or waste-waste brought to the human environment, animal, rodent also lost a place to stay and they find a place that is safe to human settlement, this increases the likelihood of human contact with rodent so that increase the likelihood of the occurrence of animal diseases that diperantarai Security. To learn more see the article Global warming and health. so it does increase the likelihood of a disease that diperantarai rodent.

What about our children? Children is a group of people most vulnerable to disease. Why do so because the flowers grow physically, psychologically that is still in development so they are susceptible to effects from environmental hazards. Direct effects include increased temperature, increased oxygen-oxygen pollution affects their health (asthma and allergy). When the disaster occurred due to the flood of children into a group that is suffering most. They are vulnerable to diseases such as diarrhea, they are vulnerable to stress, when you lose apalgi residence, school or family. Refugee will make them increasingly vulnerable because of contagious disease in the dense refugee


Banyak orang sekarang tidak tahu tentang pemanasan global. Masih banyak yang bertanya – tanya apakah pemanasan global itu? Pemanasan global adalah peningkatan suhu dari permukaan bumi. Fakta yang kita keatahui seperti sekarang ini ternyata terjadi peningkatan suhu permukanan bumi yang meningkat sebesar kurang lebih 0.6°C (kurang atau lebih 0.2°C) sejak akhir abad 19, dan sekitar 0.4°F (0.2 hingga 0.3°C) sepanjang 25 tahun terakhir (periode ini memiliki data yang paling akurat). Waw..kenapa hal itu bisa terjadi? Salah satu isu yang diangkat adalah peningkatan produksi dari gas rumah kaca.

Gas rumah kaca adalah sekelompok gas yang berada di atmosfer dan menyebabkan panas yang timbul dari permukaan bumi kembali dipancarkan ke permukaan bumi. Gas-gas ini “memerangkap” panas dalam permukaan bumi. Salah satu penumbang terbesar adalah karbon dioksida yang berasal dari pembakaran batu bara, minyak, dan gas. Apakah kita turut menymbang? Ya..kita turut menyumbang dengan aktivitas kita mulai dari aktivitas sehari-hari (pemakaian listrik di rumah, pemakaian kendaraan bermotor-konsumsi minyak bumi).

Setelah kita mengamati, ternyata pemanasan global juga mempengaruhi kehidupan kita. Mulai dari aspek ekonomi, sosial dan budaya, sampai kesehatan kita sendiri yang menjadi taruhannya. Dari hasil laporan WHO dikatakan peningkatan suhu permukaan bumi juga diikuti oleh peningkatan permukaan laut. Yang mengakibatkan peningkatan risiko terjadinya banjir. Peningkatan suhu permukaan bumi juga mempengaruhi curah hujan. Peningkatan curah hujan juga meningkatkan kemungkinan terjadinya banjir.
Dalam terjadinya penyakit, pemanasan global juga mempengaruhi perkembangan mikroba. Salah satu contohnya dalam daerah sekitar laut, dikatakan peningkatan suhu permukaan laut menyebabkan peningkatan populasi dari fitoplankton, makanan bagi zooplankton. Ternyata bakteri colera menempel pada zooplankton. Dengan peningkatan makanan bagi zooplankton maka populasi zooplankton akan meningkat, dan akibatnya meningkatkan populasi dan risiko terjadinya penyakit kolera. Interaksi antara hewan perantara penyakit dan manusia pun meningkat. Dengan adanya banjir maka sampah-sampah atau limbah terbawa ke lingkungan manusia, hewan-hewan pengerat pun kehilangan tempat tinggal dan merekan mencari tempat aman yaitu ke pemukiman manusia, hal ini meningkatkan kemungkinan kontak antara manusia dengan hewan pengerat sehingga meningkatkan kemungkinan terjadinya penyakit yang diperantarai hewan pengerat. Untuk mengetahui lebih banyak dapat dilihat di artikel Global warming dan kesehatan. pengerat sehingga meningkatkan kemungkinan terjadinya penyakit yang diperantarai hewan pengerat.

Bagaimana dengan anak-anak kita? Anak-anak merupakan kelompok masyarakat yang rentan terhadap penyakit. Mengapa begitu karena proses tumbuh kembang fisik, psikologis yang masih dalam perkembangan maka mereka rentan terhadap efek-efek dari bahaya lingkungan. Efek langsung berupa peningkatan temperatur, peningkatan zat-zat polusi mempengaruhi kesehatan mereka (asma dan alergi). Bila terjadi bencana akibat banjir maka anak-anak pun menjadi kelompok yang paling menderita. Mereka rentan terhadap penyakit seperti diare, mereka rentan terhadap stres, apalgi bila kehilangan tempat tinggal, sekolah atau keluarga. Pengungsian akan membuat mereka semakin rentan tertular penyakit karena padatnya orang dalam pengungsian


Often we hear about the word "Global Warming". both in the newspapers, magazines, news media or the other. Whether global warming is so all the people and the media memberitakannya? What's important for us to know about it? Whether this has consequences for our lives? Are our health be affected? Or to the influence of temperature the earth anyway? Whether the influence of global warming can also affect economic and social culture? A line of other questions may be questions over the row.

Now more and more people who harbor more attention to the "Global Warming" is. What evidence? Nobel peace also fell into the hands of Al Gore, the person concerned in the case of global warming. Nobel peace itself is given to the people who influence the world order at the time given. This certainly gives a sign that the global warming effect on the life of our world.

When you have a lot to give more attention to this issue, we certainly can not stay silent and just stand by it. Why? Because global warming turns out to have the effect of various facets of life in this world. Therefore, now we try to give a description of global warming, ranging from what is global warming, the impact on health, especially child health, what can we do to take to reduce global warming and how to make recycled paper.

(Sering kita dengar tentang kata “ Global Warming ”. baik di koran, majalah, atau media masa yang lainnya. Apakah pemanasan global itu sehingga semua orang dan media memberitakannya? Apakah penting bagi kita untuk mengetahuinya? Apakah hal ini memiliki akibat bagi kehidupan kita? Apakah kesehatan kita akan terpengaruh? Atau pengaruh kepada suhu bumi saja? Apakah pengaruh pemanasan global juga dapat mempengaruhi ekonomi dan sosial budaya? Sederet pertanyaan lainnya mungkin akan menambah deretan pertanyaan diatas.

Sekarang makin banyak orang yang menaruhkan perhatian lebih terhadap “ Global Warming ” ini. Apa buktinya? Nobel perdamaian pun jatuh ke tangan Al Gore,orang yang peduli dalam hal pemanasan global. Nobel perdamaian sendiri diberikan kepada orang yang memberikan pengaruh kepada tatanan dunia pada saat diberikan. Hal ini tentu memberikan tanda bahwa pemanasan global berpengaruh terhadap kehidupan dunia kita.

Bila sudah banyak yang memberikan perhatian lebih terhadap isu ini, tentu kita tidak boleh tinggal diam dan hanya berpangku tangan saja. Mengapa??? Karena pemanasan global ternyata memiliki efek terhadap berbagai segi kehidupan di dunia ini. Karena itu sekarang kita berusaha memberikan gambaran mengenai pemanasan global, mulai dari apa itu pemanasan global, pengaruhnya terhadap kesehatan, terutama kesehatan anak, apa yang dapat kita perbuat untuk turut serta mengurangi pemanasan global sampai cara membuat kertas daur ulang.)